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Booking of Distant Energy counseling session and Clearance 

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#Roy @ #6th-MIND-Shamanic "ASTRAL MASTER" Astral  CLAIRVOYANT, "Distant counseling on dark energies" Contributions, DONATE, CLICK  PayPal


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Guildford,  UK  GU1 1PW

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To Book your session of "Distant Counselling on dark energy"  from an Astral Shamanic Clairvoyant, "Distant Clearance of Dark Energies" Clairvoyant Medium, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Bookings buttons are on these pages so please use them to make. CONTRIBUTION, BUY NOW #Roy"DjghostRider" Vassell  #6thmindshamanic (email) Also USE the App Blog Links to send a message for request, as I can only assist a departed loved one if requested.


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Astral Shaman Master #6th-mind-shamanic


Booking of Distant Energy counseling session and Clearance 

To do so use " to, or tweet a message for @djghostrider2  an ancestral donation to a separated loved one in need of shamanic counseling for enlightenment at rest for a dearly departed please contribute using or                                


PayPal is made payable to or please use the buttons where see them. (#Buy Now) Reference to "Distant Shamanic counseling" Distance clearance or clear dark energy- by distance Energy clearance. 

 From time an immortal build-up of unrest energy/ies around the surface of the globe has built up and built and building, you are never very far from an unrest spirit energy source, many are light energy and thus not harmful intentionally some are very difficult thus,


This unquantified number of unrested spirit soul energies that move among us are not as harmful as some are, looking for opened chakras to assist them to pass on peacefully into an enlightening sphere. People may have attachments to energy/ies on multiple occasions.


Other spirit energy will persist, even in group numbers together to gain assistance from a shaman by attachment to an open chakra orb portal source. That it is able to gain access to assistance from them. To be able to ascend, and transcend into an enlightenment space.


Some not at all are friendly, and many may act up to you and cause an adverse effect that's not wanted or welcomed by you. And also, you may not even know that you've attracted an attachment. While being around energy. Some people live with the knowledge, as are un-effected by the attachment to their personal orb charka.


An attachment of the called dark energy may severely alter a person. Their persona may become overcome by the dark entity energies and are unaware of it. To a person who is affected by this. It is called an attachment of Possession attachment or by a Dark attachment to a person by dark energy attaching to the open and active chakra Orr. (open Chakra). 


Dark energy can be very strong and only be cleared by a Shaman, who is able to assist with the consent given to release to light clearing the strongest of energies, to be enlightened not able by others in similar fields. 


To ascend dark energy, from afar with distant clearance counseling of dark energy having dark entities. This achievement is reached using astral activities sometime astral shapeshifting activities in clearing energies.  

Astral clairvoyant counseling of dark energy. Astral clairvoyant shaman gives counseling to dark energies that attach a possession to you, request shaman assistant asks the shaman to locate for counseling to energy attachment to your active open chakra. This also clears the energy from your chakra ora passes over energy from dark possession attachment onto a light plane sphere.

Shaman Master, Distant-clearance, counseling of dark energy  

#6thmindshamanic Clairvoyant distant dark energy clearance

Astral Shamanic Master instructs distant energy counseling to Dark Energy to enable energy to transcend into dimension-enlightened spaces, with the distant astral clearing of dark spirit energy from the entity.

Shamanic Counselling to dark energy is given by the shaman to resolve the energies disposition that distorted their previous living life.


Many dark entities group together to get the assistance of a Shaman once they have found a chakra Orr is an open portal for attachment possession to the Chakra. 


Shaman absorbs energy from dark entities ascending its spirit energy through shamanic light distance clearance moving on dark energies entity from the affected possession of dark attachment chakra.







Spirit Energy are also aware of the invisible shamanic energy waves not normally visible to a naked eye. You may get to become aware that there is energy source close to around you. When you feel this, that something that you cannot see any shadow figure directly. 

The energy wants to let you know of its presence, this can be any method they choose to apply, Some spirit energy a lot stronger that others may carry out extream multiple activity-ies usually using paranormal activities which may be very extream.


This is when you need contact the "Shaman MASTER" to carry out Astral distant clearance, and counseling of the trouble attachment affecting person's Orr. As dark energy and other energy entities requrie further distant clearance counselling, distant astral journey clearance. Many use this to attempt prevent and delay clearance of more troublesome energy of other. . Energies.

Many spirit energy that is around you may be closely related to a departed love one's Indeed. To transcend over having remained on passed due to any aspect of their living life prior to departing.

Some may choose to attempt to resolve difficulties that they may be not have been able to carry out in their own life and now wish to attempt to resolve that, whatever it was. They may then manifest their attempts to use a living person by possession of that person's body and control how to go about attempting to carry out the unresolved.


The paranormal spirit energy develops strong strength which disturbs a present life.

When Dark spirit energies need counseling they make their present felt. To resolve contact #6th-mind-Shamanic "Astral Shamanic Clairvoyant" to give counseling to release energy".  

Energy gets attached to you using your open chakra energy Orr to find their way to carry out what it is that they've not completed in their own pass life, the energy attempt to use your chakra energy to carry out their incomplete task.


Shamanic counseling of spirit energy to resolve "It's Issues" in the Dark energy spheres. Astral travel and release energy into an enlightened sphere. That relieves you of the attachment possession affecting you or property that you live in.

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Shamanism offers distant counseling on dark energy by astral communication of shaman master that applies distant dimensions counseling to spirit energy in astral journeying. Many may be in the knowledge that dark spirit energy needs the assistant of shaman for enlightenment so can be rested.  When the energy is unrested they may seek open active chakra to attach dark possession attachment that may be bothering someone who is close to you,


Troublesomely dark energy may seek assistant from a person with attachment, Letting a friend know as they may not directly seek assistance for themselves on their own accord, dark energies may attempt hiding to prevent shaman locate energy attached to the person from receiving shamanic clearance assistance and counseling. Let relatives know that a Shaman can assist.

#Roy"Djghost Rider"Vassell  


"Shaman, Astral Clairvoyant Master"     also Make donation see link to donate


"Shaman, Astral communicator Clairvoyant Master"

     "Shamanic Clairvoyant, Counseilling on Dark Energies"



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Ground chakra grounding

Frequently dark energy is not difficult. However, they seek some assistance to travel into a restful space.,


Thus due to distress, they may endure in past life they need shamanic assistance in order to ascend their travel to a restful space.


Seeking out an open Chakra to which to attach or possesses so gain attention to passing into an enlightenment dimension sphere. 

        #6th mind shamanic.                Distant Dark Energy Clerance

Shamanism distant clairvoyant clearance, If affected by dark energy possession attachment.


Someone that may have a need for clairvoyant distant clearance.


shamanic astral clairvoyant distant clearance counseling.

Djghost Rider merchandise are available in Chunnell Studios, online shop

Merchandise available at Chunnell Studios on-line Shop. Click to buy & see more  

#6thmindshamanic, "Clairvoyant", communicator counseling and distant clearance of dark energies", Astral shapeshifter Shamanic Master.

Dj-Ghost Rider Merchandise available at                   chunnellstudiosonlineshop  click on merchandise image available in shop

There are paradoxes the Shaman encounter around you.


That enters you well being, there are paradoxes that spirit energy possesses that enter your chakra Orr when opened. The well-being when they require the assistance of energy. Energy come to you for assisting them, that cause you attachment possession mischief to open chakra when you don't assist their needs.


These can be varied in forms of interference with you, relatives and friends or friends,..of your friends.


When dark energy is apparent, to you there are many forms of presents that may take place.  That take effect around your chakra.d by the spirit of a variation of body possessions, and many other people are clairvoyants and are not Shaman or either shamanic. Thus cannot clear Orr. 


Clairvoyants may communicate messages from spirit to you these messages need to relay to a shaman when the energy need help. Moreover these maybe more nasty energies.


That's seen as dark energy that other energies descend with on to a person's opened chakra effects them hazardously before assistance is given to clear the dark possession of attachment to chakra.


Then there are others, wanting to let you know they are ok. Departed from you to continue with life, when they are in rested enlightened place. An astral dimension sphere.   

Get counselling click link buy now Shamanic counselling on Energy. 

Shaman Astral Master communicates counseling and ascends dark energy/ies. That have troubles that disrupt lives and pass into light dimension enlightenment.

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6th-mind Distant SHAMANIC Clairvoyant communicator Counseilling of energy SHAMAN MASTER ASTRAL DISTANT CLEARANCE OF DARK ENERGY 

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Astral Shamanic Master                     


Shaman Clairvoyant Master

      Shamanic Clairvoyant Counseling on Dark Energies



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#6th-Mind-Shamanic                                                                                          "Shaman Astral Clairvoyant Master"  ('Distant Clearance of energy/ies,)"                             Clairvoyant Counselling on Dark Energies,


#Shamanic-Astral-Master, Am a Shamanic Astral Clairvoyant, Distant Clearance of Dark Energy/ies "Shamanic Master" that clear the dark spirit Energy'(ies).          A Shamanic Master's distant Clearance of Dark Energy'(ies) of troubled departed of the spirit energies in the soul's of the unrested, Shapeshifting, shapeshifters,


The "Clearance of Energies," of attachment by the spirit of soul's that attaches to Person and to Properties,

Also of Loved ones needing help and assistant passing energy on to the enlightenment of energy to Light,..

donate'(s) and ask for the earliest relief of passing on of the possession (un-seen) energy'(ies) spirit through #RoyVassell you can start to enjoy the benefit's, of that relief from the affected spirit's post energy, On earth astral plain,.. after it's departed dark energy,.. as being passed on to rest by. "Shamanic Astral Master"


#RoyVassell Astral journey time dimension Spire's to receive then release energy of dark the shamanic adsorption of affected attachment by energy(ies), and transfer pass on, the "counseling of dark energies," then pass them on with the Astral Light surrounded by astral shamanic, light, enlightening them to light plain.


In the enlightenment plane the transfer of the departed energy, dark energy,.(ies),. That became troubled as were un-rested,.. needing shamanic absorption assistance needed to help energy to be rested,

Anywhere, on the globe you can email to #Roy"DjghostRider "Vassell, also share and let your friends know share to other friends that you can make a further meaningful contribution' to purchase on-line visit the shop, or by sending an email/blog request at @ #RoyVassell #DjghostRider,. A Shamanic Clairvoyant Astral Master, Shamanic astral clearance of dark energy,


Astral Clairvoyant shamanic Master, Distance clearance of Dark energies, counseling on dark energies to distant heal lost and unrested spirit energy'(ies) on this Earth Plain requiring direct attention and Assistance, where and, When in need of A SHAMAN MASTER, Astral shamanic clairvoyant distant clearance of energy assistance,.. #6thmindshamanic
Other SHAMAN MASTER astral distance clairvoyant Clearance Type's;


Effected House troubled by spirit energy

Clearance by Astral communication from Distance 

effected Individual's that have spirit possession

Group's affected by spirit energies,(y)


Distant clearance of dark energy

Clairvoyant communicator master

Counseling on dark energy/ies & clearance

Shamanic shapeshifting to distant clear energy

Shaman Master

Astral shamanic communicator counseling

Shapeshifting astral shaman master to distant clearance of energies


A Clairvoyant Shaman communicator, Distant clearance of dark energies, Departed presence and of spirit energies affecting your Personal Spaces,


Spirit energies took Possession and Require SHAMANIC MASTER Astral Release of Individual spirit energies,/energy attached to you and affecting other Individual and or Property/ies


Blog! or Me,. an email at my blog post's at #RoyVassell, #Roy"DjghostRider" Vassell,  #djghostrider2, #@djghostrider2,  #Djghost Rider,, and


To donate #RoyVassell through any Paypal Link,.. or email me to receive a request for clearance you use your Paypal contribution as ref: ID together with your email Request,

Thank You,  @#DjghostRider #RoyVassell #6th-mind, 6th MIND SHAMANIC MASTER, CLAIRVOYANT,..           #6thmindshamanic, Astral Master Clairvoyant Counselling Communicator, Astral Distant Clearance.

#Astral-Shamanic-Clairvoyant-Master "#6thmindshaman" #+Roy"DjghostRider"Vassell 

*Shaman-Distance clearance of Energies,
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"#6thmindshamanic, "Distant counseling of Dark Energies"  Clearance of dark possession attachments. 
A Clairvoyant Astral Shaman Master communicates by astral journeying to the energy source of the attachment.   
The shamanic master gives a distant astral clearance of energy. 6th-mind communication counseling of dark energy and distant astral clearance of the dark energy that attached a possession. 
When you are affected or in the knowledge that others close to you have been affected with dark energy entities. 
Dark possession clouds their chakra light Orr, to shine light through the attached dark energy that clouds it out.
There are those that will have a light glow and be able to know that there is an attachment possession.  Those that aren't aware; and clouded out in dark energy entity/ies. Energies congregate around active chakras for assistance. 
Shamanic Master astral journey to communicate energy. Enlightenment to energy attachment. A source of Light bearer on to them to transcend them, ascend dark energy/ies on with light. However open active chakra is a light source attraction to dark entities. That seeks out a shamanic master.  #6thmindshamanic, 6th-mind-shamanic.
Absorb the dark energy's entity in the dark dimension transferring energy along with multiple energies to light unclouding their dark energy that had clouded over a dark entity seeking light assistant, the entity that had possession attachment of dark energy over an open active chakra orb.
To be able to transcend and ascend through a shaman; the dark energy entity seeks an open chakra to be assisted to be absorbed into the Shamanic Astral Master dimension light sphere. The source of dark energy is absorbed and light is passed onto the energy to transcend energy to ascend into light Orr. 

The shamanic Master is able to assist the spirit energy that's attracted to an active open chakra in ways privileged by a shaman. Ultimately the spirit energy requires assistance to transfer over into the enlightened space sphere. Opposing to being exposed to inexistent of darkness, or other Dark energies that can also have the effect of the energies grouping together into a poltergeist.

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