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Astral Shamanic Master instruct distant energy counselling to dark Energy/ies to enable energy to transcend into dimension enlightened spaces, with distant astral clearing of dark spirit energy from the entity.




#6thmindshamanic, Astral-Shamanic-Master. Shaman Astral Clairvoyant Master,


"Distant Clearance of Dark-Energies", The"Shamanic Astral Communicator Master" release dark spirit Energy'(ies).  Shamanic Master clearance of  Dark-Energies", Transcend the energy, the ascending of  spirit energy departed soul' of unrested energy.  

The departed spirit Energy/ies,..

Astral shamanic master use Shapeshifting, of shapeshifter properties, to transcend energies with astral light to en-lightment.



Frequently dark energy are not difficult. However, they seek some assistance to travel into a restful space.,


Thus  due to distress they may endrued in pass life they need shamanic assistance in order to ascend their travel to a restful space.





Seeking out an open Chakra to which to attach or possesses so gain attention to pass into an enlightment dimension sphire. 



Spirits not able to trandscend themselevies with dark energy seek out open light chakras that attract energies assist it's agendas.


Dark energy attachment carry out and seek this assistant by attracting attention from people to find them the assistance.


Seeked by drawing to them being present in making you aware of a supernatural paranormal, of energy presenecs.


Spirits not able to trandscend themselevies with dark energy seek out open light chakra that attract energy to assist it' agenda.


Dark attachment carry out and seek this assistant by attracting attention of people to find them Shamanic assistant by drawing to it's present making you aware of paranormal presence.


Clairvoyant Shaman, "Distant clearance of dark energies", unrested departed presencies of energy that affect open chakra your Personal Space, #6thmindshamanic clairvoyant distant clearance of dark energy.


Dark energy attachment has took Possision and Requrie "A SHAMANIC MASTER " To Release the energy Individual spirit energies/energy, attachment to you are affecting other/Individuals and your own Property.


Blog! Me,. send an email to my blog post's at #RoyVassell, #Roy"DjghostRider"Vassell,  #djghostrider, #djghostrider2,  #Djghost Rider,, for event Booking at Chunnell Studios and at,


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"Shaman, Astral communicator Clairvoyant Master"


     "Shamanic Clairvoyant, Counseilling on Dark Energies"




Astral-Clairvoyant-Master "distant clearance of dark energy", Counselling dark energy to clear energy with distant healing ascend energy to light sphire.


Unrested energy'(ies) of soul departed,. On the Earths Plain requiring direct shamanic assistant attention it seeks,. Where there's need for a SHAMANIC MASTER, #shamanic-astral-clairvoyant-communicator, to"distant clear dark energy" possession attachment seek the assistance of,.. A shamanic master.

To trancend energy to light en-lightened plain is to transfer energy through astral light the departed energy.  That departed unrested.


Energy that became troubled as are un-rested,.. and thus need to receive this assistant are in need of shamanicism to help it to rested,. ("ever not been able get to rest") where ever,. on the globe  you are ; You can blog or send an inbox email to

+#Roy"DjghostRider"Vassell, let known to friends that need know,.


They too can make contribution #6thmindshamanic. #RoyVassell #DjghostRider,.


Shamanic Astral communicator Clairvoyant Master., Shamanic distant clearance counselling & clearance of dark energy, #distantclearanceofdarkenergy, 



6th Mind Shamanic        

Distant counselling on Energy


                 SAHMAN MASTER


The Distant Clearance of dark Energy, attachment to chakra of a person that has a dark attachment possession to person & at Property,. also Loved one need the help to assist passing on, into an en-lightened dimension of energy to Light sphire,..




6th Mind Shamanic,"dark-energy-clairvoyant"   @djghostrider2


#6thmindshamanic, "distant energy counselling"


To the light en-light plain is to transfer through astral light the departed unrested energy. That departs unrested,. 


Energy that became un-rested,.. and thus need to receive shamanic assistance to ascend it to become rested,. (from not been able get to ascend) to light;

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+#Roy"DjghostRider"Vassell, let it known to friends that need to know,.


They too may need a meaningful assistant contribution. #RoyVassell #DjghostRider,.


Shamanic Astral communicator Clairvoyant Master.,

Shaman distant counselling clearance of dark energy, #distantclearanceofdarkenergy,.

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"Distant shamanic dark energy clearance of energies"

"Astral Clairvoyant Communicator" to energy,                   

"Counselling on dark energies possession attachment clearance"      


#Djghost Rider  

"Astral Shaman"

"Shamanic Master" "Roy Vassell"   Roy"DjghostRider"Vassell


"Astral traveller shamanic spirit energy communicator"          


Shapeshifting astral shaman, "distant clearance of dark energies"

Supernatural paranormal energy activity  shamanic distant clearance 


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on dark energy.

In circumstance of dark energy seek attention will attach possession on desired open chakra; to get assistance to find better existance. Having otherwise unrest, of their departed  soul from previous living existanstance. 

#6thmindshamanic, Dark-energy counselling

Energy seek out charka's looking for light.  Open chakras attract energies that make you become prone to attracting a possession attachment of dark energy.


A supernatural paranormal attachment possession of orr is not rear, however. This type of attachment to chakra is a field that shaman clears from affected possession attachments.  Shamanic astral distant clearance of energy.   

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The en-light plain is on transfer through astral light of departed energy.


The departed unrested energy,.(ies). Energy that became troubled as they are un-rested,.. and thus need to receive assistant are in need  of shaman to help it be rested,. (ever not been able get to sleep);


You can blog or send an email to +#Roy"DjghostRider"Vassell,


Let known to friends that need to know here,.


They too can make a meaningful contribution. To #RoyVassell #DjghostRider ,.


Shamanic Astral communicator Clairvoyant Master., Shamanic distant counselling clearance of dark energy, #distantclearanceofdarkenergy, 



"#6thmindshamanic, "Distant counseling of Dark Energies"  Clearance of dark possession attachments. 
A Clairvoyant Astral Shaman Master communicates by astral journeying to the energy source of the attachment.   
The shamanic master gives a distant astral clearance of energy. 6th-mind communication counseling of dark energy and distant astral clearance of the dark energy that attached a possession. 
When you are affected or in the knowledge that others close to you have been affected with dark energy entities. 
Dark possession clouds their chakra light Orr, to shine light through the attached dark energy that clouds it out.
There are those that will have a light glow and be able to know that there is an attachment possession.  Those that aren't aware; and clouded out in dark energy entity/ies. Energies congregate around active chakras for assistance. 
Shamanic Master astral journey to communicate energy. Enlightenment to energy attachment. A source of Light bearer on to them to transcend them, ascend dark energy/ies on with light. However open active chakra is a light source attraction to dark entities. That seeks out a shamanic master.  #6thmindshamanic, 6th-mind-shamanic.
Absorb the dark energy's entity in the dark dimension transferring energy along with multiple energies to light unclouding their dark energy that had clouded over a dark entity seeking light assistant, the entity that had possession attachment of dark energy over an open active chakra orb.
To be able to transcend and ascend through a shaman; the dark energy entity seeks an open chakra to be assisted to be absorbed into the Shamanic Astral Master dimension light sphere. The source of dark energy is absorbed and light is passed onto the energy to transcend energy to ascend into light Orr. 

The shamanic Master is able to assist the spirit energy that's attracted to an active open chakra in ways privileged by a shaman. Ultimately the spirit energy requires assistance to transfer over into the enlightened space sphere. Opposing to being exposed to inexistent of darkness, or other Dark energies that can also have the effect of the energies grouping together into a poltergeist.

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