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Distant clearance of Dark Energy & Counselling on Dark Energies,

Clairvoyant Shaman,

Astral Shamanic Master

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#6thmindShamanic, "Distant clearance of Dark Energy/ies",


contact "Shamanic, "Clairvoyant communicator, today to receive Shamanic, Distant clearance of dark energy/ies,"  possession attached to your opened charka orr.  "(donations welcomed)"  

#6thmindshamanic, Astral-Shamanic-Master. Shaman Astral Clairvoyant Master, "Distant Clearance of Dark-Energies", The"Shamanic Astral Communicator Master" release dark spirit Energy'/es. Shamanic Master's clearance of  Dark-Energies", transcend the ascending of spirit energy departed from the soul' of untested departed spirit Energy/ies, Astral shamanic master Shapeshifting, of shapeshifter properties,


The Distant Clearance of Dark Energy, that attach to the chakra of a person that has a dark attachment to person & Property, also Loved one need the help and assistant of passing over, into an enlightened energy sphere to Light.


The passing on of energy'(ies). A supernormal spirit entity through shamanic master #RoyVassell; You may start to enjoy benefit's, that the relief for the untested energy; affecting by supernatural spirit possession energy represents. On the globe,.. unrested soul departed. A shaman Astral master, communicator of energies #RoyVassell Shaman master.


RoyVassell, is an astral shamanic communicator, of #6th-mind-shamanic, travels on astral dimensional time sphere' to receive and to release the energy/(ie), of the departed. Allowing the energy to transcend and ascend on with clairvoyance of "dark counseling telling," to passing-on-energy-on-through-the-astral-light. Surrounded by the astral shamanic light, to enlightening the receiving sphere on a plain, energy is cleared of dark.,


The enlightened plain astral light is to transfer through the astral light of the departed energy, of the. Departed unrested energy,(ies) energy. That became as troubled as were un-rested,.. and thus needed to receive the shamanic assistant. The need of a shaman is to assist to rest the un-rested. (ever been unable to get to sleep); You may blog or send me an email to +#Roy"DjghostRider" Vassell, Let friends know that need to know, As They too may need a meaningful shamanic assistance contribution of counseling. #RoyVassell #DjghostRider ,. Shamanic Astral communicator Clairvoyant Master. carries out Shamanic distant counseling to clearance of the dark energy, #distantclearanceofdarkenergy, 


Astral-Clairvoyant-Master "distant clearance of dark energy", Counselling dark energy to clear with distant healing, of un-rested energy'(ie) of the soul. On the Earths Plain requiring direct shaman assistant attention, Where there's a need of a SHAMAN MASTER, #shamanic-astral-clairvoyant-communicator, to"distant clear dark energy" attachment possession seek assistant of, A shamanic master.

Other SHAMANIC MASTER astral clairvoyant distant Clearance Type's;


Effected House troubled by dark spirit energy entity

Astral clearance from Distant of dark energy attachment 

effected Individual's in dark spirit possession attachment

Group' affected by spirit energy possession attachment,


"Distant clearance of energies"

"Astral Clairvoyant Communicator",                   

"Counselling on dark energies clearance"      Djghost Rider"  


"Shamanic Master" "Roy Vassell"                                                  "Djghost Rider"

"Astral communicator shamanic traveler"           

Shapeshifting astral shaman, "distant clearance of energies"


Clairvoyant Shaman, "Distant clearance of dark energies", unrested departed presence of energy that affects an open chakra your Personal Space, #6thmindshamanic clairvoyant distant clearance of dark energy.


Dark energy attachment has taken Possession and Require "A SHAMANIC MASTER " To Release the energy Individual spirit energies/energy, attachment to you are affecting other/Individuals and your own Property.


Blog! Me,. send an email to my blog post's at #RoyVassell, #Roy"DjghostRider"Vassell,  #djghostrider, #djghostrider2,  #Djghost Rider,, and


Booking a counseling session on dark energy links #RoyVassell djghostrider2@googlemail,com through any Paypal Link,.. and email your Paypal contribution ref: ID email or with inbox message request for a session on blog Apps,.

Thank's; contributing to,. DjghostRider #RoyVassell #6th-mind "SHAMANIC Astral Energy COMMUNICATOR" "CLAIRVOYANT",.. #6thmindshamanic, Shaman-astral-communicator-clairvoyant.

#Astral-Shaman-Clairvoyant-Master, #6th-Mind-Shamanic,"Shaman Master""DjghostRider"Vassell/posts 

Spirit's energy is also called proton energies of the departed and unreleased spirit is souls vapourised from the human body after death and are released into an eternity while many need assists.


Some are past gently into light spaces and others remain in the dark energy sphere unrested, many have unfinished business on the surface which to focus. Occupied a recipient living human and many carry their energies into existence of another living human.


Called a possession and as other interpretation by the force of nature, they occupy the living to assist in the completion of their journey.


The effort's of the Shaman' master communicator is to assert to neutralize the energy of the lost soul's energies, That attaches it's self to living people in its effort of the living to assist either to own efforts, to further the energy to transfer into an enlighten spaces.


Many spirit energy will seek assistance this way and many will seek to alter their persistence activities to normal life. That may very radically alter anyone natural enjoyment of living their own normal life.


When people are affected by dark energy, they try to look for relief by seeking the help of people to assist them ultimately to find a Shaman. Where the shaman will relieve the most of the difficult, by clairvoyance of the shamans' energy to pass on the energy entity.  


Clairvoyant counseling, Counselling on Energy,

"Distant Dark Energy clearance","shamanic clairvoyant counselling"

Shaman Master, Astral Clairvoyant giving Counselling on Dark Energy/ies. "Clearance of DARK energies", into enlighten space from a Dark place and dark energys  are released from the unrest to become pass on.


Astral communication "Distant clearance of dark energy", counseling on dark energy "Astral Shamanic clairvoyant Master" communicates astral.


Release the dark energy attachment possession from your open chakra orb with distance clearing. Use PayPal to purchase.

With a PayPal account or debit 0r card,


Inbox me a message about your attachment or possession of an attachment to an open chakra or visit me at #6th-mind-shamanic F/B blog page posting a need to contact me about receiving counseling and or the clearance by counseling on or clear of a dark attachment possession.


As an Astral Shaman master that is a "communicator" by use of astral shapeshifting to communicate with the proton dimensional energy, then release the energy to enlightenment.  Also, let your friends know of, that you've used, and know about #6th-mind-shamanic, #@djghostrider2


"Services"  &Blog' pages, Posts and the online-shop CHUNNELLSUTDIOSONLINESHOP"DjghostRider"Vassell/posts

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Shaman Clairvoyant Master continued work assist departed energy over to light existent dimension of astral earth sphere plain.  


Click box, book distant dark energy clearance & phone counseling session.   

 #6thmindshamanic            orb grounding

#6thmindshamanic, #DistantClearance, #Clairvoyant, #DarkEnergyclearance                                           "Earth grounding of Chakra"

"Shamanic Master, Clairvoyant Distant Energy Counselling"


"Clairvoyant counseling on Dark Energy",


Astral Distant clearance of Dark Energy, Astral shapeshifting to communicate clear unrested energy dark possession attachment of energy. Use click button

Make a contribution at   your PayPal A/C. (GBP)  

As dark energy will seek to gain attachment of a chakra that has an active open Orb chakra. To attach to that person chakra Orr., The open Chakra energy of a person that have attracted the entity energy to their own chakra that becomes an attachment by possession of attachment. "The possession". Of a chakra possession to a person is also a means used to continue on, the energies unfinished agendas.


Where the un-rested energy was not able to carry out or complete themselves in their own living life. They may Become dark energy then uses the possession of an actively open chakra orb energy. To carry on their unfinished un-accomplished to use its unrest spirit energy. The shamanic astral light chakra seeks out the dark entity energy to communicate clairvoyantly with to dissipate with light by astral traveling to time dimension of the dark energy dimensional sphere.     

#Astral-Clairvoyant shaman Master

The Shaman is able to assist in moving on a dark entity energy to an enlightened space.


By removing the entity energy into absorption and place it into the enlightened space and to ascend it into enlightenment from possession. 


Spirit energy entities have been on the natural earth not long after time itself was begun.


There are always many spirit energy entities close to and around you at all times. Not all are visible to the eye while many are present around our everyday living.


As many don't pose any harm to people, some attach possession.


In an uneasy manner a medium clairvoyant communicates with energies on others behalf, and won't worry, plus it may not cause's awesome difficulties.


Not only can spirit entities cause harm to some people's lives, they are referring to as Dark energy possessions.      (CLICK the image and visit the shop)

Their are a varity of products available in the "Chunnell Studio's Shop" Their is also video footage clips & music,

on SoundCloud/Mixcloud/Youtube Many of my associated pages are linked from G+ Google #RoyVassell


of Dark possession attachment & also clearance of the attachment of possession to an active open chakra Orr.

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Book phone counseling

Astral light ascending of someone need the Shamanic assistant.

Shaman assists person with dark attachment possession to chakra.

Dark energy gets attach to an open chakra to seek out to ascend and transcend to a place of rest, an astral journey through the light sphere. 

Astral Shaman master passes on loved one departed.


To light sphere energy exiting from a dark energy sphere, 


Energy is transcended out of dark sphere into the light sphere by shamanic clearance.


Distant dark energy clearance and counseling dark energy.


Shaman Astral counseling of Dark Energies.

Purchase merchandise directly at Chunnell Studios online shop 

gestures at source by a donation to  #6th-mind-shamanic merchandise at (Chunnell Studios Online Shop) owned by Roy Vassell buttons on pages may be used to Donate.

Chunnell Studios Event


Distant-Clearance-of-dark-Energy.   Dark possession clearance of dark attachment to open chakra Orr orb

#Clairvoyant #6thmindshamanic #DistanceClearanceDarkEnergy #DarkEnergy

Dark spirit energy entities need to pass the to light sphere. To ask the shaman to seek out a particular dark attachment energy to assist in it's enlightenment to peaceful clear of possession attachment.


an email or/inbox to blog to @;               ""      


A discription of chakra attachment.  

There is more dark spirit energy about you than you would ever imagine, from the start of the time when humans died there has been.


From that time there've being energy that has not gone to rest. They wonder around seeking targets to get attached to either to secure attention to gain the assistance of being passed on.


Many aren't aware of how to attach as many are not strong enough, those that are strong enough can do some considerable damage transform the life of people that they've affected.


They may get attached to houses moving objects to gain the attention to their presence, alerting residents of a present of energy entity.


Contact by email & or on Dj ghost rider blogs...

Astral shamanism counseling of dark energy teleport ENERGIES to ascend into light after neutralizing absorb of dark energy, its then pass to enlightened energy forward onto into light.  

Dark energy would not otherwise reach light thus, need the shaman assistance to ascend onto a light chakra dimension, releasing it of dark energy

Roy is a shaman, whom readily gives "Counselling on Dark Energy clearance, Shamanic Distant clearance, of energy and "Astral Master Clairvoyant shaman"        #6th-mind-shamanic,                            #6th-mind-shamanic-astral-communicator,

on facebook to add like page visit.

#6th-mind-shamanic Form


Roy Vassell "DjghostRider" 

#astralshamanicmaster Distant Clairvoyant counseling on dark energy clearance.

A definitive Shaman that gives distant dark energy clearances & "counseling on dark energies".

Distant shamanic clearance counseling of dark energy possession attachment.

Dark energies are always around you,


How would you know whether the energy around you is affecting someone's open chakra close to you?


Now with dark possession attachment to their open chakra orr. Dark energy that is photon energy matter that is around from the very start of time. The dark energy is itself also began as entities and accumulated energies.


Awareness of spirit energy enable postive Shamanic Clairvoyant healers to assist in translating messages to whomever the energy wants to be informed. When a chakra orr orb channel is open.


To visions and a feeling of there's a present of energy when its a forecoming notice to warrant's.


Distant shamanic astral dark energy clearance & counseling on Dark Energy

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Book shamanic clearance                                                                           #Roy Vassell       #Roy"Djghost Rider"Vassell          PayPal (GBP) A/C                                         Like F/B  page   6th-mind-shamanic Form  "Djghost Rider" 

#6thmindshamanic #Shaman #Clairvoyants #DistantClearanceOfdarkEnergy 

#6thmindshamanic, Clairvoyants, #DistantClearanceof Dark Energy,

Astral Clairvoyant Shamanic Master Counselling on Dark Energy, and distant Clearance of Dark Energies, "Shaman clairvoyant Master". Release dark energy into astral enlightened light sphere space dimension. Astral journey to seek energy absorb and release the energy into the light orb.

#Shamanic #DarkClearance #Clairvoyant #DistantEnergy 

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#Distantastralcommunicator, "Counseling on Dark Energies" #6thMindShamanic,

Dark energy Astral distant Shamanic clearance & counselling to clear attachments

Shaman-Counselling on Dark Energies,

Buy from shop click image.

Leave a comment to recommend on page wall, you've been and know of having and yourself need the shaman to assist. A shaman is an astral shamanic clairvoyant master that from distant clear dark energy.


This may assist a friend also. Thank you.


Share to your friends on this page. Astral Shaman,


Contribute donate direct to #6th-mind-shamanic     Use paypal at       #RoyVassell #DjghostRider

6th-mind-shamanic "A-Shamanic-astral-Master", astral traveler and dark energy/ies communicator, clairvoyant, that releases dark energies. They've attached to active open chakra's orr's


In normal circumstances dark energy seeking attention will attach to a desired open chakra; as, to be assisted in finding a better existence. Having an otherwise un-rested, of their departed previous past life existence. 


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6th Mind Shamanic     Astral Clairvoyant Dark Energy Distant Counselling   

"Astral Shamanic Master",  Receptive Astral Shaman, "Astral Shamanic Clairvoyant Communicator", 

"Clearance of Dark Energies" & "Counselling on Dark Energy". @"https://+RoyDjghostRiderVassell/posts"

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Clairvoyant, Counseling on Dark Energies.
Distance clearance of Energies, Clairvoyant, Shamanism,

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"Shamanic Clairvoyant",..

To let friends know more about #6th-mind-shamanic, tweet's @djghostrider2 dark energy counselling, #6thmindshamanic, "distant services on energy"

6th MIND SHAMANIC   Astral Shaman  MASTER SERVICE'S                 dark energy counseling on Shamanic distant clairvoyant clearance

distance astral clearance of dark energies,

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Roy' #6thmindshamanic "ASTRAL MASTER"  CLAIRVOYANT, Distant clearance of dark energy.  PURCHASE MERCHANDISE & MAKE contribution,

or Contact   #RoyVassell  by email at"Djghost Rider"Vassell


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Tel: +44 07402 625865

Distant Clairvoyant astral Clearance of Dark Energy/ies  Click on DONATE & make,      CONTRIBUTIONS, through PayPal   To #+Roy"DjghostRider" Vassell  Shamanic Master, Astral Clairvoyant "visit online shop" for merchandise purchases.


Roy Vassell

Shamanic Master, Astral shape-shifter, Shaman,
Counceling on Dark Energies,

Shamanic counselling.

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SHAMANIC,.. 6th-Mind-Astral-Clairvoyant-Master

6th mind shamanic Astral Master

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Astral Clairvoyant Counseling on Dark Energy,             Distant clearance of dark energy/-ies,

SHAMANIC astral CLAIRVOYANT dark energy counseling,


Donation(s) is generally a huge appreciation, The need to contribute. "Shamanic ASTRAL Master" assist the peaceful rest passing on, dark energy/-ies.  email address & PayPal to make donation(s)  with  PAYPAL: ID/Ref: for, tweets on @djghostrider2


Donate for moving on of Dark Energy spirits into light service of ASTRAL SHAMANIC CLAIRVOYANT MASTER      



"The moving on of Departed energy into light, to make your Contribution to  

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Clarence, Distance Clearance of Energies,
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I'm a Shaman Clairvoyant



6th-mind-shamanic           "A-Shamanic-astral-Master", astral traveller and dark energy/ies communicator, clairvoyant, that releases dark energies. That've attached to active open chakra's orrs.


In normal circumstances dark energy seeking attention will attache to a desired open chakra; so as, to be assisted to find a better existance. Having an otherwise unrested, of the departed from previous past life existance. 


A'm djghostrider 2

March 15, 2013


Dark energies are always around you,


How would you know whether the energ around you is affecting someones open charka close to you.


Now with dark possession attachment to there open chakra  orr. Dark energy are photon energy matter is around from the very start of time. Dark-energy it-self also began to accumilate energies.


April 22, 2013

A'm a clairvoyant, Distance clarence of Dark energies,  Distance clearence of energies, clarence of energie, Counseling on Dark Energies, to let your friends, know what's new with 6th-mind-shamanic,  You can choose what  to donate, via any Pay pal link #RoyVassell blog page's, #djghostrider,. Double click me to change to blog page telling  your own friends,.  To blog and contribute to #RoyVassell, #DjghostRider and email with Pay pal Ref: ID, with their request for. Shamanic, Counceling on Dark Energies, Distance clearance of energies,  

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ASTRAL Distance Clairvoyant counselling "Shamanic 6th-mind Communicator".

6th Mind Astral Communicator "Clairvoyant Shaman MASTER".

#Roy Vassell.

#Roy" Djghost Rider" Vassell


"#6thmindshamanic"  "Astral Master" 


Shamanic Clairvoyant Master travel astral time dimension through time sphere' absorb then transcend energy to ascend Energy into light. Lost energies ascend into an enlightened dimension," 

Payment use Service, Through  "PAY PAL"

Welcome Donate:  (Click Donate) 


#Roy"Djghost Rider" Vassell                     #6th-mind-shamanic   "via" PayPal click,.. on PayPal button to make donate  

A description of dark energy(ies) attached and, need help. You may also make PayPal: -Contribution to ref:,. Dark Energy is affecting you and it needs clearance that it may ascend and passed on, Transcending the dark energy through the astral light sphere. The Astral Shaman communicator travels into a time dimension of the energy.*(absorb the energy, onto a Light sphere)*, The energy are then guided & sent on to a light sphere in rest, from "un-rested energy. It may now find" at rest. Guided in the astral light that absorbed from an un-rested. Give the entity energy a more Natural existence from it's past dark energy existance,.

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#Roy"Djghost Rider" Vassell UK,  use the PayPal Link,.. donate through PayPoint to,... Thanks

Click button to contribution & donate @

give description of possession attachment to open chakra    "(troubled by)" a dark energy/ies. Click PayPal button with your Ref: ID's/ to PayPal and send transfer.

"#6thmindshamanic, "Distant counseling of Dark Energies"  Clearance of dark possession attachments. 
A Clairvoyant Astral Shaman Master communicates by astral journeying to the energy source of the attachment.   
The shamanic master gives a distant astral clearance of energy. 6th-mind communication counseling of dark energy and distant astral clearance of the dark energy that attached a possession. 
When you are affected or in the knowledge that others close to you have been affected with dark energy entities. 
Dark possession clouds their chakra light Orr, to shine light through the attached dark energy that clouds it out.
There are those that will have a light glow and be able to know that there is an attachment possession.  Those that aren't aware; and clouded out in dark energy entity/ies. Energies congregate around active chakras for assistance. 
Shamanic Master astral journey to communicate energy. Enlightenment to energy attachment. A source of Light bearer on to them to transcend them, ascend dark energy/ies on with light. However open active chakra is a light source attraction to dark entities. That seeks out a shamanic master.  #6thmindshamanic, 6th-mind-shamanic.
Absorb the dark energy's entity in the dark dimension transferring energy along with multiple energies to light unclouding their dark energy that had clouded over a dark entity seeking light assistant, the entity that had possession attachment of dark energy over an open active chakra orb.
To be able to transcend and ascend through a shaman; the dark energy entity seeks an open chakra to be assisted to be absorbed into the Shamanic Astral Master dimension light sphere. The source of dark energy is absorbed and light is passed onto the energy to transcend energy to ascend into light Orr. 

The shamanic Master is able to assist the spirit energy that's attracted to an active open chakra in ways privileged by a shaman. Ultimately the spirit energy requires assistance to transfer over into the enlightened space sphere. Opposing to being exposed to inexistent of darkness, or other Dark energies that can also have the effect of the energies grouping together into a poltergeist.

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